R&D Tax Relief Helpline


Easy to use

You can get in touch by phone, email or WhatsApp.


No extra cost

The cost of the helpline is included in your monthly membership fee.


Involve the whole team

Any team member on your licence can use the Helpline.


The advice you need

Ask questions about the R&D scheme, clients or their claims


Plug gaps in your knowledge

Get advice on awkward or edge cases that you’ve never encountered.


Get an expert second opinion

Many heads are better than one – we can help solve any R&D dilemma.


What questions can we answer

Members can ask all kinds of questions through the helpline, such as

  • Whether particular costs are eligible e.g. legal fees in securing a patent
  • If grant funding for capital assets affects a claim
  • Which particular activities would be eligible e.g. collating data
  • If a particular group structure means that a claim should be made through RDEC.

How much support can you get?

As a guide, we’re happy to spend 15-30 minutes on each Helpline question, for up to 10 queries per month. If you need more help than this, we’ll talk to you about our Claim Support service.